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Resources and Guidance


Community Testing Opportunities
The federal government's free rapid test site IS LIVE NOW. You can secure up to 4 free
antigen tests from this site:  

  • These are free home tests
  • It allows 4 tests per household
  • These are un-proctored (not monitored by health officials or websites), but are reliable tests if administered accurately


At home COVID tests are also reimbursable through  insurance, you can find out more

  • If you have insurance, you can be reimbursed for the purchase of COVID tests from the pharmacy or on-line


Masking Information

The omicron variant is highly transmissible, and currently, our community is in a surge
for this variant. During periods of high transmission of COVID, it is recommended that
people use layered levels of mitigation, including masking, when indoors or in large
groups within 6 feet of other people.

N95 masks provide the highest level of protection if well fitted. However, it is not always
practical to wear an N95 for long periods of time (especially in school settings where
you need to be talking during instructional periods).

Surgical masks provide a high level of protection when well fitted. You can better the fit
of a surgical mask by knotting it as demonstrated in this video:


Be committed. Be well. Be kind.